Frequently Asked Questions about the Activation Model

Frequently Asked Questions about the Activation Model

The Parliament has approved amendments to the Unemployment Security Act to repeal the activation model on 11 December 2019. This means that the activity of the recipients of unemployment allowance will no longer be monitored and the daily allowance will not be cut after 31 December 2019.

IAET-kassa thanks its customers for excellent feedback

IAET-kassa thanks its customers for excellent feedback

IAET-kassa’s latest customer satisfaction survey shows that our customers are highly satisfied with our service, and 93 per cent say they would recommend IAET-kassa to others.

A summary of the changes in unemployment security

A summary of the changes in unemployment security

There will be changes affecting the recipients of earnings-related allowance in the unemployment security act as of 1.1.2018.

An applicant of earnings-related allowance must indicate being active – otherwise the daily allowance will decrease by 4,65 %

An applicant of earnings-related allowance must indicate being active – otherwise the daily allowance will decrease by 4,65 %

A new law has become effective on 1.1.2018. The law will require an applicant of earnings-related allowance to indicate activity during their unemployment. If an applicant has not been active by the means defined in the law, the amount of their daily allowance will be decreased by 4,65%.

eService has updated

eService has updated

IAET-kassa’s eService has been updated and using the service is now easier with your phone. Welcome to use the new eService that has been developed based on the wishes of our customers!

Membership fee in 2018 is 87 euros

Membership fee in 2018 is 87 euros

IAET-kassa’s membership fee is 87 euros in 2018. The fee is 18 euros lower than the year before.

Payment notifications will be electronic

Payment notifications will be electronic

We no longer send paper payment notifications by mail. We have changed completely to electronic payment notifications.

The increased component based on an employment history has ceased

The increased component based on an employment history has ceased

Due to an amendment in the Unemployment Security Act, the increased component will no longer be paid based on an employment history of 20 years. A person whose employment ended before 1.1.2017 could, however, receive the increased component until 30.6.2017.

Inform your union about your unemployment

Inform your union about your unemployment


If you are a member of a trade union, we recommend you to notify your own trade union of your unemployment. Then you can capitalize on the potential benefits addressed to the unemployed, such as a discount in your union membership fees.

Check your eligibility for mobility allowance

Check your eligibility for mobility allowance

The unemployment funds are paying out a new benefit called mobility allowance. The purpose of the new benefit is to support receiving work located at a longer commuting distance. Please inspect your entitlement to mobility allowance in case you receive a job with a travelling time of over 3...

Subscribe to payment notifications by SMS

Subscribe to payment notifications by SMS

Enable SMS payment notifications in eService and you will receive information on payments as soon as your application has been handled. The SMS message shows the amount and date of the payment.

Remember to pay your membership fee when your employment ends

Remember to pay your membership fee when your employment ends

Please remember to make sure that your unemployment fund membership remains valid uninterruptedly while you are unemployed or temporarily laid off. You can only be paid unemployment benefits if you have paid your membership fees. The membership fee of IAET-kassa cannot be deducted automatically from your earnings-related allowance,