Switching funds

You can only switch between unemployment funds while you are working. In other words, you cannot switch unemployment funds when you are, for example, unemployed, laid off full time, on child care leave or on study leave, even though your employment relationship would be valid.

If you switch funds within a month, you keep any employment and membership condition credits you have accrued through your previous fund. If the transition takes longer than a month, you will need to accrue new employment and membership conditions. The membership fee to the previous fund will have to be paid until the end of resignation month.

What should I do?

When you join KOKO as a direct member, you can authorize KOKO to end your previous unemployment fund membership on your behalf. The authorization is made when filling in the membership application.

When you join KOKO through a trade union, you can authorise KOKO to end your previous unemployment fund membership on your behalf by filling in our resignation authorisation form.

Please note that KOKO cannot end your previous trade union membership on your behalf. If you want to end your membership in your previous trade union, you need send them a resignation notice yourself.

If you do not want to give an authorization the first thing you should do is send a membership application to the new fund you want to join. Once your new membership has been confirmed, you should notify your previous unemployment fund that you want to end your membership.

If you switch from KOKO to another unemployment fund in the middle of the year, your KOKO membership fee for the rest of the year can be refunded. You need to send us a written request for the refund through eService function and give us your bank account details. You need to request your refund within three months of ending your membership in KOKO. If you were a member through your trade union, you can ask your union for the refund.