2020 customer survey: KOKO more successful than ever according to members – A big thanks to our members!

2020 customer survey: KOKO more successful than ever according to members – A big thanks to our members!

KOKO investigated its members’ experiences with a customer satisfaction survey carried out in late 2020 by research company Onway Oy. A total of 1,025 members of KOKO fund who had used the fund’s services during the past six months responded to the survey.

KOKOn joulukortti: Hyvää joulua jäsenille ja yhteistyökumppaneille!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!

We wish all our members and cooperation partners a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2021!

Here you can see our Christmas and turn-of-the-year opening hours information.


Temporary changes to unemployment security remain in effect until the end of the year

The Finnish Parliament has confirmed that a part of the temporary legislative changes made to unemployment security will remain in effect until the end of the year.

Improvements to the standard entitlement and mobility assistance have been approved

Improvements to the standard entitlement and mobility assistance have been approved

The Finnish parliament has approved an increase in the standard entitlement of earnings-related unemployment allowance as well as a shortening of the commuting requirement of mobility assistance. The amendments are temporary.

When should you submit your next application? Enable our reminder of a follow-up application!

When should you submit your next application? Enable our reminder of a follow-up application!

You can subscribe to a handy reminder of sending the next follow-up application. You will receive a reminder once it has been a calendar month or 4 consecutive calendar weeks since your last application.

Is your membership valid?

Is your membership valid?

You can easily check your information in eService.

Tax cards ordered from MyTax will automatically be transferred to KOKO

Tax cards ordered from MyTax will automatically be transferred to KOKO

When you order a revised tax card for social benefits in MyTax, the tax card will automatically be sent to the fund within two working days. You do not need to send it separately. When ordering the tax card,

IAET-kassa will be The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO from 1.4.

IAET-kassa will be The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO from 1.4.

IAET-kassa’s brand will be reformed this spring. The new name will be The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO.

The new name and the visual look will be launched on 1.4.2019. Changing the name will not cause any changes to our current members in benefit and membership related matters.

Tulorekisteri tulee työttömyyskassojen käytettäväksi vuonna 2020

Tulorekisteri tulee työttömyyskassojen käytettäväksi vuonna 2020

Työttömyyskassat pääsevät hyödyntämään tulorekisteriä vasta vuodesta 2020 alkaen. Vuonna 2019 työttömyysetuutta hakevien on edelleen toimitettava palkkatodistus työttömyyttä edeltävistä ansioista.

Tulorekisteri tulee käyttöön vaiheittain. Vuonna 2019 tulorekisterin tietoja pääsevät käyttämään Verohallinto, Kela, TVR, työeläkelaitokset ja ETK. Työttömyyskassat puolestaan pääsevät hyödyntämään tietoja vuotta myöhemmin.

Virhetilanne osalla TEKin jäsenistä päivärahan hakemisessa

Virhetilanne osalla TEKin jäsenistä päivärahan hakemisessa

Ota yhteyttä kassaan, jos olet TEKin jäsen, etkä pysty tällä hetkellä lähettämään päivärahahakemusta. Korjaamme ongelmaa parhaillaan, pahoittelemme tilanteesta aiheutuvaa vaivaa!

Membership fee in 2019 is 75 euros

Membership fee in 2019 is 75 euros

IAET-kassa’s membership fee is 75 euros in 2019. The fee is 12 euros lower than the year before.

Would you like to know whether you have met the activity requirement?

Would you like to know whether you have met the activity requirement?

After you have been paid daily allowance for a period of 65 days, KOKO fund will check whether you meet the activity requirement for the activation model.