Did you know this about the application periods for daily allowance?

The majority of applicants for daily allowance submit their applications for one calendar month, i.e. an application period that starts from the first day of the month and ends on the last day of the month. Did you know that the application period does not always necessarily have to be a calendar month?

The application period can also be:

  • one month long. The application period can start on any day. For example, you can apply for daily allowance for the period Tue 7 March through Wed 6 April and the next time for Thu 7 April through Thu 6 May etc.
  • four calendar weeks long. A calendar week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. For example, you can apply for daily allowance for the period Mon 6 March through Sun 2 April and the next time for Mon 3 April through Sun 30 April etc.

The unemployment fund receives the largest number of applications at the beginning of the month, and the processing of applications also takes the longest then due to the number of applications. For this reason, our application processors may recommend an application period different than a calendar month if you have become completely unemployed or have been temporarily laid off.

You can opt for an application reminder in the Settings section at eService. This way, you will receive an email whenever it is time to submit your next daily allowance application.