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Work carried out in the UK continues to be acknowledged when claiming unemployment allowance
The UK has entered into a partnership agreement with the EU, which will remain in force for the next 15 years. With this partnership agreement, work carried out in the UK may be acknowledged when claiming for earnings-related unemployment allowance benefit in Finland.

Are you looking to switch from another unemployment fund to KOKO?
Read the instructions on how and when to switch.

2020 customer survey: KOKO more successful than ever according to members – A big thanks to our members!
KOKO investigated its members’ experiences with a customer satisfaction survey carried out in late 2020 by research company Onway Oy. A total of 1,025 members of KOKO fund who had used the fund’s services during the past six months responded to the survey.

Maximum payment period active from 1 January 2021 onwards
Under temporary legislation, the maximum payment period for earnings-related unemployment allowance of 300-500 days was not active until 31 December 2020 if you were unemployed or laid off. From 1 January 2021 onwards, the period is active again.

New tax cards and taxation of earnings-related daily allowance
Please note that, if a salary tax card is used in the taxation of your earnings-related daily allowance, the tax withheld will be at least 25%. We recommend submitting a revised tax card that applies to the benefit to the fund.

Dear member of the MMA Unemployment Fund – welcome to KOKO!
The MMA Unemployment Fund merged with KOKO, the Unemployment Fund for Highly Education on 1 January 2021. The merger will not affect your unemployment security rights.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!
We wish all our members and cooperation partners a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2021!
Here you can see our Christmas and turn-of-the-year opening hours information.

Changes to the standard entitlement of unemployment security and mobility assistance will continue
As a result of the amendment, the EUR 500 standard entitlement for part-time or on-demand work income is valid when the application period starts no later than 31 March 2021. Mobility assistance can be obtained for full-time work on the basis of a commute of more than 2 hours...

Fund’s eService outage from 28 December to 3 January
During the outage, applications, attachments or messages cannot be sent via the eService. On Monday, 4 January, you can submit an application again through eService as usual.

The MMA Unemployment Fund will be merged with the KOKO fund starting from 2021
The MMA Unemployment Fund will be merged with the KOKO fund on 1 January 2021.

Membership fee for 2021 is EUR 66
KOKO fund’s membership fee for 2021 is EUR 66. The membership fee is the same as in 2020. KOKO will send the invoices to direct members early next year.

The basic unemployment allowance will increase with an index increment next year
The benefits linked to the National Pensions Index will increase by 0.4%. The basic unemployment allowance and the basic component of the earnings-related unemployment allowance will rise to EUR 33.78.