KOKO’s customer service is currently handling matters related to the strike. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the topic:
Am I entitled to a daily allowance during the strike?
If you are prevented from working because of a strike, your entitlement to daily allowance during the strike depends on whether the strike has a dependency relationship to your terms of employment or working conditions, meaning whether the purpose of the strike is to bring about changes that also affect you.
If the strike does not have a dependency relationship to your terms of employment or working conditions, you may be entitled to an earnings-related daily allowance for the period of the strike for which you are not paid. Before you can apply for earnings-related daily allowance, you must register with the TE Office. You will also need a certificate from your employer stating the period for which you will be paid during the strike.
Does KOKO pay strike allowance?
Unemployment funds do not pay strike allowance. Union pay strike allowance to their members who have participated in the strike, paid their membership fees and who are working in jobs affected by the strike action. Please contact your union if you have any questions about strike pay.