
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We wish all our members and cooperation partners a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2023!

Here you can see our Christmas and turn-of-the-year opening hours information.


KOKO’s membership fee is 63 euros also next year

KOKO fund’s membership fee for 2023 is 63 euros, meaning the membership fee remains the same as in 2022.


Are you familiar with mobility assistance?

Mobility assistance is still unknown to some people, but many might be entitled to it. The purpose of mobility assistance is to encourage jobseekers to accept jobs further from home. The assistance compensates for the costs of commuting or moving.


Did you know this about filling in your daily allowance application?

The daily allowance application now contains pre-filled salary and employment relationship information obtained directly from the Incomes Register. This pre-filled information means that completing the application is even faster and that fewer attachments are often needed for the application.


Switch to an electronic decision – You will get the payment information faster!

Swap the mailed decisions on allowance for electronic decisions to get the information of the payment of your daily allowance faster. Log on to eService, go to Settings and choose the decisions to be delivered to eService.


Membership fee for 2022 is EUR 63

KOKO fund’s membership fee for 2022 is 63 euros.


Switch to an electronic decision

Swap the mailed decisions on allowance for electronic decisions. Log on to eService, go to Settings and choose the decisions to be delivered to eService.

Iloista joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta 2022!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022!

We wish all our members and cooperation partners a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2022!


Koko’s membership fee is reduced to 63 euros

KOKO fund’s membership fee for 2022 is 63 euros. The membership fee is decreasing from the fee of 2021.

TE offices are centralising the specialist statements to their office in Uusimaa

TE offices are centralising the specialist statements to their office in Uusimaa

As from the beginning of October, the TE office has centralised issuing labour policy statements by the specialists to the Uusimaa TE office.


The KOKO website has been improved

During the summer 2021, the KOKO website has been improved to better serve users. The website has corrected accessibility deficiencies and clarified the structure of the site to make it more functional for users, to give you a few examples.

KOKO is now serving you virtually

KOKO is now serving you virtually

KOKO has now introduced virtual customer service appointments that are carried out on a remote connection using Teams. Please read the instructions for the remote appointment.