KOKO’s recent customer satisfaction survey shows that members highly value the services KOKO offers. The overall score given to KOKO’s services by the members (on a scale of 1 to 6) is 5.43. The majority of respondents, 57.6%, give KOKO a full 6 points.
In the question “Would you recommend KOKO to a friend or colleague (on a scale of 1 to 10)”, 77.17% of members chose either 9 or 10, meaning that they would strongly recommend KOKO. In this question, KOKO received an amazing NPS score of 71.
KOKO performed best in its core task
As in previous years, KOKO has been most successful in the unemployment fund’s core task, i.e. services for applying for daily allowance: the reliability of processing applications (5.41), processing speed (5.33), and the easy-to-use online services (5.37).
The area that the members think has the most room for improvement is the telephone service. However, the quality is not low here either, as members give the telephone service a rating of 4.98. Compared to the previous year, the opening hours of the telephone service is the aspect that has improved the most out of all KOKO’s services.
Members are satisfied with KOKO’s website, and they also feel that its functionality has improved since last year. The website received a score of 5.24, the highest in KOKO’s survey history.
Members were asked if they were considering switching to another unemployment fund. According to the survey responses, only 3% of respondents are considering switching to another unemployment fund. A total of 93% want to remain members of KOKO in the future, and 4% are unsure or do not want to give their opinion.
KOKO is already preparing for the future
In the customer satisfaction survey, KOKO received thousands of comments from members. Most of them were thank-yous for smooth and successful service, but there were also development suggestions from members.
“The feedback we receive from our members is very important because it helps us develop our services. It is also nice to take a look at the positive feedback during the year – it gives us energy and reminds us of the importance of what we do,” says Outi Mäki, Fund Director of KOKO.
“Next year will be challenging for us in many ways. The number of unemployed members is on the rise, which means that the number of daily allowance applications KOKO receives will continue to grow. There will be significant changes to unemployment security legislation, which will aggravate the situation of the unemployed and cause challenges to us as a service provider.”
“We have prepared for the future by, for example, increasing and training our personnel and investing in communications. We are also building a new allowance payment system in cooperation with the other two biggest unemployment funds, so that members will get the best service and receive their daily allowances smoothly also in the future. Satisfied members are what we value most, and we do our best for our members,” says Mäki.
The customer satisfaction survey was carried out as an online survey in cooperation with the research company Onway Oy in October–November 2023. A total of 1,093 members who had used KOKO’s services in the past six months participated in the survey. The survey used a scale of 1 = weak to 6 = excellent (with the exception of the 1–10 NPS scale).