Dear member of the MMA Unemployment Fund – welcome to KOKO!

The MMA Unemployment Fund merged with KOKO, the Unemployment Fund for Highly Education on 1 January 2021. The merger will not affect your unemployment security rights.

Using the services of KOKO

You can claim for your earnings-related unemployment allowance through our eAsiointi online service, where you can also submit attachments to your claim and update your contact information and send messages to KOKO. Use eAsiointi also to subscribe to our claims reminder and to receive your payment advices by SMS.

Our telephone customer service is open Mon–Thu from 10:00 to 15:00 and on Friday from 10:00 to 13:00 tel. +358 (0)9 4763 7600. Exceptional customer service hours are listed on the Contact information page.

Instructions for claiming earnings-related allowance can be found here. You can track the general progress of your claims process on the front page.

Membership fee

The membership fee for KOKO is charge annually and in 2021 the fee is EUR 66. The member fee invoices will be sent by post to all MMA Unemployment Fund direct members who have transferred to KOKO at the beginning of the year. If your membership is through a trade union, your membership fee will be charged by your union.

For more information on membership fees, invoicing and KOKO membership, see the Membership section.

About KOKO

KOKO is Finland’s second largest unemployment fund. Founded in 1969, it has about 230,000 members. For more information about our rules and organisation visit the Information about KOKO page.

Read the press release: The MMA Unemployment Fund will be merged with the KOKO fund starting from 2021