
Quick instructions if you become laid off or unemployed

Were you laid off or became unemployed? Check the quick guide in this article.


Summary of legislative amendments to unemployment security in the autumn

There have been a number of amendments to the Unemployment Security Act during 2024, and more changes will follow already in the autumn. Below is the KOKO fund’s summary of the upcoming changes.

The increase in unemployment benefits will be abolished on January 1, 2025.

The increase in unemployment benefits will be abolished on January 1, 2025.

Daily allowance can be paid at an increased rate when a person participates in a service that promotes employment. The Finnish government decided in a spending limits session that the increase will be waived on January 1, 2025.


Adjusted daily allowance – what is it in practice?

If you earn an income in addition to unemployment allowance, your daily allowance will be adjusted. Adjusted earned income includes wages for part-time work, income from self-employment and attendance fees. When your daily allowance is adjusted, it is reduced by an amount equal to 50% of your earned income.


Employment condition changing on 2 September 2024

Unemployment Security Act amendments concerning the employment history required to be eligible for earnings-related unemployment allowance, also known as the employment condition, will be coming into effect in the autumn of 2024. Starting 2 September 2024, the length of the employment condition will be doubled,


The job alternation leave system is being abolished

The Finnish Government has proposed the abolition of job alternation leave from 1 August 2024 to Parliament. If you still want to take advantage of job alternation leave, act fast.


The €300 standard entitlement on work income is being abolished, and, going forward, the daily allowance of even small income earners will be adjusted

The daily allowance of people who receive unemployment allowance and earn an income (e.g., wages from part-time work, earnings from entrepreneurship, attendance fees) will be adjusted going forward. This means that any income you earn will affect the amount of daily allowance you receive.


The Finnish Government has proposed a law abolishing job alternation leave to Parliament

According to the Government’s proposal, the job alternation leave system would be abolished in such a way that new periods of alternation leave could be started until 31 July 2024.


Are you wondering whether you will get compensation during a strike?

KOKO's customer service is currently handling matters related to the strike. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the topic


The payment of child increases will end at the beginning of April

Due to the legislative amendment, child increments will no longer be paid for unemployment or lay-off days as of 1 April 2024. Until the end of March, the amount of the child increment is EUR 130–240 per month, depending on the number of children.


Employment rate of KOKO members weakened in 2023

The employment rate of KOKO members weakened during 2023. During the year, the fund received a total of 102 503 earnings-related daily allowance applications, which is 12% more than in 2022, when 91 589 applications were received. A total of 14 336 first applications were received (2022: 8 278).


Temporary delays in the processing of daily allowance applications

The processing of daily allowance applications is currently experiencing delays due to the high volume of submissions, which may result in longer processing times for receiving your daily allowance.