Tax cards ordered from MyTax will automatically be transferred to KOKO
When you order a revised tax card for social benefits in MyTax, the tax card will automatically be sent to the fund within two working days. You do not need to send it separately. When ordering the tax card,

Changes to the earnings-related unemployment allowance from 1 April 2019
In future, an application that contains working hours may be processed even if the person’s salary has not yet been paid. The changes will also make it easier to accept part-time work.

Brexit and its impact on employment security
If you are leaving to or are already working in the UK, please contact the Membership register, if you are considering leaving the Unemployment Fund. The UK is separating from the EU on 31.10.2019, and therefore will no longer be an EU country from 1.11.2019.

IAET-kassa will be The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO from 1.4.
IAET-kassa’s brand will be reformed this spring. The new name will be The Unemployment fund for highly educated KOKO.
The new name and the visual look will be launched on 1.4.2019. Changing the name will not cause any changes to our current members in benefit and membership related matters.

Starting on 1 April 2019, the activity requirement can be met in several ways
From the beginning of April, the courses and activities of some municipalities, trade unions, organizations and employers also count towards the activity requirement. The actions supporting employment will, however, only accumulate activity if they take place during a monitoring period starting on 1.4.2019 at the earliest.

Unemployment benefits for those working in family businesses will change on 1 July 2019
From 1 July 2019, a person working in a family business without a share of ownership in the company is considered a salaried person with regard to unemployment security. In the past, a family member was considered an entrepreneur, even though he/she had no share of ownership in the...

The Incomes Register will be available to the unemployment funds in 2020
The unemployment funds will only gain access to the Incomes Register starting from 2020. In 2019, applicants for unemployment benefits are still required to submit a pay certificate for their pre-unemployment income.

Tulorekisteri tulee työttömyyskassojen käytettäväksi vuonna 2020
Työttömyyskassat pääsevät hyödyntämään tulorekisteriä vasta vuodesta 2020 alkaen. Vuonna 2019 työttömyysetuutta hakevien on edelleen toimitettava palkkatodistus työttömyyttä edeltävistä ansioista.
Tulorekisteri tulee käyttöön vaiheittain. Vuonna 2019 tulorekisterin tietoja pääsevät käyttämään Verohallinto, Kela, TVR, työeläkelaitokset ja ETK. Työttömyyskassat puolestaan pääsevät hyödyntämään tietoja vuotta myöhemmin.

Virhetilanne osalla TEKin jäsenistä päivärahan hakemisessa
Ota yhteyttä kassaan, jos olet TEKin jäsen, etkä pysty tällä hetkellä lähettämään päivärahahakemusta. Korjaamme ongelmaa parhaillaan, pahoittelemme tilanteesta aiheutuvaa vaivaa!