Restrictions on receiving daily allowance

Your entitlement to daily allowance is affected by factors such as your age, other social benefits, and entrepreneurial activity. If any of the restrictions listed here applies to you, you are not entitled to daily allowance.

Age restrictions

  • you are younger than 18 years old. As an exception, earnings-related unemployment allowance may be paid to a 17-year-old whose compulsory education has been completed or who has put their compulsory education on hold in accordance with the Act on Compulsory Education. In addition, it is required that the person has fulfilled the employment condition before 1 August 2022 and that the other conditions for payment are met.
  • you are 65 years old or older. However, you may continue to receive daily allowance until the end of the calendar month of your 65th birthday. Also, you may qualify for earnings-related daily allowance after your 65th birthdayif your unemployment is due to a temporary layoff, weather conditions, or industrial action by other employees.

Labour market policy restrictions

  • you have not registered as an unemployed jobseeker with the employment authority,
  • you are not available for the labour market,
  • you work as a full-time entrepreneur for more than 2 weeks,
  • you are a full-time student.

Restrictions related to employment and entrepreneurship

  • you are receiving farm closure support as an agricultural entrepreneur or farmer,
  • you are on leave that is based on law or a collective agreement and is not a temporary layoff or a part-time shortening of working hours,
  • you are entitled to notice period pay or corresponding compensation
  • for a period over which any extra compensation paid by the employer at the termination of your employment or holiday compensation of a full-time work of more than two years may be periodised,
  • you are entitled to receive annual holiday pay based on the wages for a full-time job,
  • for the duration of a temporary layoff over which monetary compensation from a working time bank may be periodised. Monetary compensation will only be periodised if withdrawn from a working time bank 2 months before the beginning, or during, of full-time temporary layoff.
  • for the duration of a period over which capital gains from the closure of an enterprise may be periodised. Capital gains will not be periodised if the enterprise has been in business for less than 18 months.

Restrictions caused by other social benefits


  • you are receiving an old-age pension or an early old-age pension under the National Pension Act or under employment pensions legislation. Old-age pensions granted abroad also disqualify you from receiving daily allowance. However, an old-age pension will not affect your entitlement to daily allowance if you were granted the pension because of reaching a lower retirement age as per the State Employees’ Pensions Act.
  • you are receiving an unemployment pension.


  • you are disabled because of an illness, a defect, or an injury. You are considered disabled if, for instance, you are receiving daily sickness allowance or partial daily sickness allowance under the Health Insurance Act or any other legislation, on the basis of complete disability.
  • you are receiving a rehabilitation allowance or loss of income compensation from an accident insurance policy or motor liability insurance policy or pursuant to the provisions on rehabilitation in the Military Injuries Act.

Families with children

  • you are entitled to pregnancy allowance or maternity, special maternity, paternity or parental allowance,
  • you have been granted leave because of pregnancy, childbirth, or child care,
  • you receive special pregnancy allowance, parental allowance or special care allowance.