Mies juna-asemalla työmatkalla

Mobility assistance makes it easier to take a job far away

Have you been unemployed and have now found a job with a longer commute? Don’t forget that you may be eligible for mobility assistance.


Employment rate of KOKO members worsened in 2024

During the year, the fund received a total of 161,209 earnings-related daily allowance applications, which is 57% more than in 2023. Discontinuation of alternation leave increased the number of employees taking alternation leave

Kuva, jossa TE-toimiston ovi ja teksti "Ilmoittaudu työttömäksi työnhakijaksi ennen vuodenvaihteen käyttökatkoa"

Are you becoming unemployed at the turn of the year? Register as a jobseeker by 29 December 2024 at the latest

The E-services of Job Market Finland will be down for maintenance at the turn of the year from Monday, 30 December 2024 at 8 am until Thursday, 2 January 2025 at 8 am. During the outage, it is not possible to log in to the service and register as...


Staggering of earnings-related unemployment allowance has started to affect people

Due to an amendment to the Unemployment Security Act, earnings-related unemployment allowance is staggered from now on. The effects of the staggering system began to show in October and November, as the first individuals to whom this system applies had accumulated 40 allowance days.


TE services will transfer to municipalities in 2025

Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices) will be discontinued at the beginning of 2025. In the future, services for the unemployed and job seekers will be provided by their own municipality or by an employment region formed by multiple municipalities.

Kuva, jossa lukee TAX

Check that your tax card’s income ceiling is high enough for the rest of the year

If you receive benefits, you should make sure that the annual income ceiling on your tax card is high enough for the rest of the year. If you need to, you can order a revised tax card.


No index adjustment to earnings-related unemployment allowance in 2025

The amount of the basic earnings-related unemployment allowance will not increase in 2025 and instead will remain the same as in 2024: €37.21 per day.


Earnings-related daily allowance is staggered: The longer the unemployment lasts, the more the allowance decreases

Due to an amendment to the Unemployment Security Act carried out on 2 September 2024, earnings-related allowance will be staggered.


Are you wondering when will you receive your first daily allowance?

The payment of daily allowance does not necessarily start immediately from the beginning of your unemployment, nor from the moment when your application for daily allowance has been processed. Read how vacation allowances and deductible period affect the start of daily allowance payment.


Quick instructions if you become laid off or unemployed

Were you laid off or became unemployed? Check the quick guide in this article.

Koira ja läppäriä käyttävä ihminen laiturilla

Annual holidays, holiday bonuses and other current daily allowance for applicants

As summer is approaching, we get a lot of questions about the impact of annual holidays and holiday bonuses on the payment of earnings-related daily allowance, for example. In this article, we have collected current instructions for the unemployed and laid-off.


Phone service opening hours during easter

KOKO fund’s phone service is open on Thursday 28.3. from 10 till 14. On Friday 29.3. and Monday 1.4. the phone service is closed. Happy Easter!