Adjusted income

Adjustment usually takes into account all income considered as earned income in terms of taxation. Income is usually adjusted on the basis of the payment period. As a general rule, it does not matter when you performed the part-time work, as your income is taken into consideration based on the payment date. However, when you apply, you should report your hours for the days on which the work was performed. The unemployment fund will decide whether the income is adjusted income and which period it will affect.

Exceptions to the payment period based adjustment are possible, for example in situations where you are laid off with shortened weekly working hours and have other adjusted income from part-time work or business activity, for example.

Holiday compensation and holiday bonus for part-time work will nevertheless be adjusted for the month when they were paid, even if you had earned them over a longer period.

If you are paid a salary for more than one month at once, your earnings will be divided so that they affect your daily allowance the month you received your salary and as many following months as you were paid salary for.

Adjustment of attendance fees
Adjust of income from business operations and your own work
Adjustment of forestry and agricultural income