Adjustment of attendance fees

Attendance fees are usually adjustable income, so for all meetings that are paid for, the meeting fees shall be notified to the unemployment fund. Unemployment fund will decide whether they are adjusted income or not.

Attendance fees are adjusted according to the time of payment of the meeting fee. Please notify the fund of your meetings and attendance fees according to when the attendance fee has been paid. The standard entitlement is taken into account just like with any other income you receive while being unemployed.

Income from a position of trust in the public sector is generally not taken into account in adjustment, because municipal, governmental, or ecclesiastic positions of trust are not generally performed under an employment relationship.

Similarly, attendance fees paid by civil-law organisations are not taken into account in adjustment in cases where the payment of such fees are in no way related to your profession, work, or trade. Therefore, attendance fees from meetings relating to your own housing company or hobby are not adjusted income. These must also be communicated to the unemployment fund.