Managing director

A managing director can work as a salaried director or as an entrepreneur. Managing director is not in employment with the employing company according to the Limited Liability Companies and Employment Contracts Acts. Work done as a salaried managing director can be compared to an employment condition fulfilling work even though the work is not done in employment.

If your work as a managing director ends completely, you may receive earnings-related allowance based on your last salary, and your allowance will be calculated the same as other salaried employees. In case of a temporary lay-off, the managing director is not entitled to daily allowance.

As with other members, the employment authority will check the general criteria for receiving daily allowance, including the impact of studies and business activities on the right to receive daily allowance. Other business activities performed alongside your work as a managing director may affect your right to receive daily allowance, so please contact the employment authority about that.