In the adjusted daily allowance arrangement, your earned income will affect the amount of the daily allowance so that what you have earned is deducted from the full daily allowance. An amount equal to 50% of the income you earn will be deducted from your daily allowance.
Estimate your adjusted daily allowance with KOKO’s allowance calculator. If you are already receiving earnings-related daily allowance and want to estimate how much your income will reduce your daily allowance, use TYJ’s calculator and select “Effect of earned income on daily allowance (Työtulon vaikutus päivärahaan)” in the calculator.
Please note that the amount of earnings-related daily allowance decreases the longer the daily allowance is paid. More information: Staggering of earnings-related allowance
KOKO takes care of calculating the adjusted income. The key thing is that you let the employment fund know all your income during the application period. However, please note that if your working hours have been reduced due to full days of layoff, or you have other income from part-time work or business activities, the income must be reported in the application covering the period of time when the work was performed.
In all situations, remember to report all work performed during the application period even if their pay day is at a later date. Read more under adjusted income.