If you have part-time work, you may be entitled to adjusted daily allowance. You have to fulfill the employment and membership condition and must have registered as an unemployed jobseeker with the employment authority. In an adjusted daily allowance arrangement, 50% of the income you have earned will reduce your daily allowance.
Please note that as a result of the legislative amendment, the €300 standard entitlement of earned income was removed as of 1 April 2024. Read more: Changes to the unemployment security system 2024
Adjusted daily allowance can be paid if you
- work part-time (up to 80% of the maximum working hours of full-time work)
- have been temporarily laid off to work shorter days
- are working full-time for a maximum of 2 weeks
- are working as a full-time entrepreneur for a maximum of 2 weeks
- are a part-time entrepreneur or self-employed person.
Adjusted daily allowance cannot be paid in all cases. Such a situation may arise if
- the employment is part-time on your own initiative
- your working hours exceed 80% of those of full-time work
- your employer cannot monitor your working hours
- you receive an annual leave salary based on full-time work
- the amount of your adjusted daily allowance exceeds the limit defined by law. The adjusted daily allowance and earned income during the adjustment period are higher than the salary on which the daily allowance is based.