If your employer gives notice to terminate your employment during a temporary layoff, you are entitled to the notice period pay with holiday compensation. However, a deduction equivalent to 14 days’ pay may be made from the compensation payable to you if your employer complied with a temporary layoff notice period of more than 14 days. If you have been laid off with a notice period of 14 days or less, your employer may not deduct anything from the notice period pay.
You may terminate your employment relationship with immediate effect during a temporary layoff if the end date of the temporary layoff is not known or is more than 7 calendar days away. If your temporary layoff has lasted more than 200 consecutive days at the time you terminate your employment, your employer is obliged to pay you compensation equal to your notice period pay. However, also in this case, the employer may make a deduction equivalent to 14 days’ pay from the compensation if the employer has complied with a notice period of more than 14 days when notifying you of the temporary layoff.
A daily allowance cannot be paid for a period in which you are entitled to notice period pay or similar compensation.