
Unemployment security changes in September – see if the changes apply to you
The Unemployment Security Act has undergone many changes this year. In this article, we will explain what changed on 2 September 2024 and who will be affected by these changes.

Earnings-related daily allowance is staggered: The longer the unemployment lasts, the more the allowance decreases
Due to an amendment to the Unemployment Security Act carried out on 2 September 2024, earnings-related allowance will be staggered.

Temporary processing delays for daily allowance applications
The processing of daily allowance applications is currently experiencing delays due to the high volume of submissions, which may result in longer processing times for receiving your daily allowance.

Are you wondering when will you receive your first daily allowance?
The payment of daily allowance does not necessarily start immediately from the beginning of your unemployment, nor from the moment when your application for daily allowance has been processed. Read how vacation allowances and deductible period affect the start of daily allowance payment.

The following age-related exceptions to unemployment security continue to apply in the future
Due to changes in legislation in autumn 2024, a large part of age-related exceptions to unemployment security will be abolished. In this article, we explain age-related exceptions will still continue to apply.

Quick instructions if you become laid off or unemployed
Were you laid off or became unemployed? Check the quick guide in this article.

Summary of legislative amendments to unemployment security in the autumn
There have been a number of amendments to the Unemployment Security Act during 2024, and more changes will follow already in the autumn. Below is the KOKO fund’s summary of the upcoming changes.

The increase in unemployment benefits will be abolished on January 1, 2025.
Daily allowance can be paid at an increased rate when a person participates in a service that promotes employment. The Finnish government decided in a spending limits session that the increase will be waived on January 1, 2025.

Annual holidays, holiday bonuses and other current daily allowance for applicants
As summer is approaching, we get a lot of questions about the impact of annual holidays and holiday bonuses on the payment of earnings-related daily allowance, for example. In this article, we have collected current instructions for the unemployed and laid-off.

Earnings-related unemployment allowance will be staggered going forward
The Government is preparing a legislative amendment to stagger daily allowance. Staggering daily allowance means that the amount of daily allowance you receive would be reduced by 20% after 40 benefit days and 25% after 170 benefit days. Staggered daily allowance would apply to individuals whose daily allowance calculation...

Adjusted daily allowance – what is it in practice?
If you earn an income in addition to unemployment allowance, your daily allowance will be adjusted. Adjusted earned income includes wages for part-time work, income from self-employment and attendance fees. When your daily allowance is adjusted, it is reduced by an amount equal to 50% of your earned income.

Employment condition changing on 2 September 2024
Unemployment Security Act amendments concerning the employment history required to be eligible for earnings-related unemployment allowance, also known as the employment condition, will be coming into effect in the autumn of 2024.