Make sure that you are not absent from the labour market!

The employment condition you have accrued remains valid as long as you are not absent from the labour market without an acceptable reason for more than 6 months. If there is a gap of more than 6 months in your availability in the labour market, you will have to accumulate your employment condition from scratch after returning to the labour market.

You are considered to be on the labour market when you are employed or engage in business activities that meet the employment condition, or you are

  • registered as an unemployed jobseeker with the employment authority
  • a full-time student or on a grant that prevents you from employment
  • on maternal, paternal, or parental leave
  • taking care of a child no more than 3 years old
  • ill or in rehabilitation
  • on job alternation leave
  • participating in employment promotion services.

The list is not exhaustive, so please contact the KOKO fund if you are unsure of your own situation.

You should take particular care that your remain on the labour market if you have been paid a financial compensation by your employer on the termination of your employment. Seeking work independently is not an acceptable reason to be outside the labour market.